I was moved to create this painting from a desire to rescue children who were lost in war, extreme poverty, slavery, neglected by drug addicted or damaged parents. Lost and unloved children come in many forms.
At the time, circa 1995, I tried to donate the painting to the city of Vancouver. Unfortunately I wasn't able to discover a way to do this. The people I spoke to at City Hall were not able to offer me an avenue
If I were a superhero, I would change the world so that all the people in it would never dream of allowing children to suffer. Or even worse....allow people to harm children for their own warped gratification or money.
Though I am limited by my body, my personal responsibilities, level of education, my financial success, I have done what I can to help.
As well as creating a few paintings from this passionate desire to communicate the idea, here are some other things I have done to help forward this purpose. (and I know I can always do more) These include foster parenting in the past, spending thousands of volunteer and paid work hours (usually not great pay, but helping to fulfilling this purpose) in my lifetime, working on community and international programs that I felt had some sort of impact on helping children. Whether it was to help in education, help children have food and shelter, or save them from being vulnerable in some way. As well as within my means, monthly donations to organizations that I trust and that I believe help improve the situation.
Recently I watched a documentary about Tim Ballard.
In this blog, I want to dedicate this image to Tim, and all the people in the world who actually go an extra mile to improve children's lives. By being kind to children, teaching children, supporting them, or donating to an organization that really helps children. It all adds up to improving the situation. I no longer have the original painting, but if I did, I would send it to Tim. He is a for real Angel for Lost and Unloved Children.
Regarding the original painting, it is 22 x 30 inches, watercolor on rag paper. It was sold from the Gaslite Gallery (Used to be in Gastown)
The owner of the painting let me know that he hung it in the company of his original by Salvador Dali. Quite a compliment!
Kathy Poitras
Thank you Kathy for your awareness and communication through Art at the plight of children in dire circumstances. It reaches and touches.
Thank you so much Linda and Jack!
I love this passionate painting and the dedication to Tim Ballard.
I love this painting by my good friend Kathy. This painting demonstrates her love of children and her empathy to the plight of those in need. Her beauty is unmistakable.